Monday, September 28, 2009

Artichokes, celery and mustard...oh my!

I just love the area in which we live. There are many gorgeous fields just down the hill from us and even when they aren't planted with a crop, we can appreciate the rich, brown soil. Plowed into it's even rows that go on seemingly forever, it's definitely a form of art. Here's one of the latest plantings. These artichoke fields stretch out over the area and are the dominant crop right now. They'll grow pretty quickly, but I love the way they look right now.

There are several roads that end up at the same place and this is just one of them, but look at that gorgeous view! This was taken earlier this summer when the hills were still a bit green.

This is also the road where I took this photo of the mustard field, which is now planted with celery.

Aren't we lucky?


Crispy said...

I've never seen an artichoke plant before, they are really pretty. I love looking out over the fields in the spring just after planting, all the rich black soil....


Jocelyn said...

The fields are beautiful. I love to see veggies growing. We have a short growing season (because of the heat not cold), but there are beautiful tomaotes and strawberries that grow in our area.

Vicki W said...

Chris and I took a vacation to CA several years ago. We started in LA, went up the coast to SF and Napa and then back down the Central valley to Sequoia National Forest. I think the CV had the biggest impact on me. I still can't convey to people the vastness of the farm land there. I kept saying "so this is where all of our pecans come from" and then "so this is where the carrots come from" and so on for miles and miles!

Janet said...

Your pictures are like quilts, ready to be made.