My company has left, and I've seen the last Harry Potter movie so I'm feeling a bit of a "let-down." After a couple of months anticipation it's inevitable, but certainly not the end of the world.
I've started to re-read the Sue Grafton books. They are simple but enjoyable reading.
I've got new fabrics in the shop and more on the way!
Hope you're enjoying your summer days!

Glad you released the guilt. Quilting is certainly fun but a good book and a glass of just can't get much better than that. Cheers!
I'm glad you're not feeling guilty - because you shouldn't! :)
How's the shoulder? I hope I remembered that correctly!
It sounds like you've been enjoying yourself even with no sewing. I have yert to catch the movie but I'm looking forward to it.
vous avez bien raison ne pas se sentir coupable ,profitez de la vie.Pour vos messages postez autre chose faire découvrir sa région ,ses autres passions c'est enrichissant vos fidèles lectrices seront indulgentes ,pour moi aussi l'épaule me fait souffrir et comme le temps n'est pas très beau aucune motivation alors devant la télé à regarder le tour de france cycliste .
moi aussi j'ai vu le dernier harry potter dommage que celà se termine
Glad to hear all is well in your corner of the world. I'm glad that you are over the no quilting guilt. Having been there myself, it is nice to take a break once in a while :0)
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