And, yesterday afternoon was spent in my sewing room working on more doll clothes. I finished this Apron and Smock and began work on jeans and a poncho. It went along much more smoothly than the last little outfit I made so I'm happy!!
This was the pattern I used and it's got quite a few aprons/smocks in it!
Happy Sewing!!

those are so cute! I have one little niece but I don't think she's a "doll girl" -- guess I need to check on that... I love the fabrics you've chosen.
Love these aprons! They are just too cute!
des vêtements de poupées que de souvenirs ,et je n'ai eu que des fils alors je vais bien garder ces photos pour l'avenir un jour peut être je serai grand mère d'une petite fille et là enfin je pourrai retomber en enfance
I did a lot of this when my daughter was little and can't wait until Audrey is ready for dolls. Really, I don't want her to grow up too fast.
You are making such cute things.
These look more like you with the fabrics you've chosen! Very cute!
Adorable!! And, yes, the fabrics give them your unique touch!
Awww . . . Why is everything so cute when it's little?
What a wonderful Auntie you are for making those clothes!! They are soooo cute!!
What little girl wouldn't love to have those? So adorable, you are such a good auntie.
Oh, so cute! My Grandma ALWAYS wore one that is like that one on the left :) I miss her.
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