
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

They're gone...

Both of the babies have left the nest. I saw one of them yesterday afternoon in the courtyard where the nest is, flying along side it's mom/dad. The other remaining baby was still in the nest. However, this morning when I checked on the nest, it's empty.

I was so lucky to get the above photo (and several more that are similar) of the dominant baby stretching and testing his wings while still in the nest. I'm still just amazed at the miracle of life. My husband can't get over the fact that they are able to build such a nest and that it manages to stay intact during the whole process. How fun!


  1. yes, that nest looks so insubstantial! great photos...

  2. Alaina1:14 PM

    Great shot of the hummingbird babies and the nest. The nest doesn't look like much does it? I love the nature that's found right outside our doors!

  3. It was fun watching them with you. I had fun watching the Humming Birds at my son's house. There were always battles going on by the feeder :0)


  4. If you are having withdrawal, here's a hummingbird cam in California.

  5. I have always wanted to see a hummingbird's nest and have never seen one!!! I'm even in the yard alot...thanks for showing these pics!!


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