
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I got lucky...

and was able to get a shot of the hummingbird babies, just after they were fed. That seems to be when they are the most active. The rest of the time they don't move much at all.

Again, if you click on the photos you can see the larger version.

I also tried three different times to get a shot of mama/papa feeding the babies, but all three times I feel I spooked her/him away so I finally gave up. I did get the one shot which isn't great, but you can still make out the birds.

How fun!


  1. Lucky you. I've tried to attract them here in central Pa. but have had no luck. Although others in the area have been successful. And nice pictures too, btw.

  2. That is so, so cool!

  3. How wonderful! Obviously the parents don't sit in the nest, it's so small and there's no room.

  4. Great pictures Terri!!


  5. So sweet and wonderful photo's!

  6. Oh, you are so lucky to have gotten photos of the nest with eh babies. I feed the hummingbirds but I've never found a nest even though we have lots of trees and bushes.

  7. I've never heard of anyone else finding a hummingbird nest!


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