
Monday, May 16, 2011

Loved this combination...

of fabrics when my friend Sally ordered it a week or so ago. It contains a lot of the newer Kaffe/Brandon/Philip Jacobs fabrics. Didn't I tell you they were gorgeous?

We have another Hummingbird nest and this one is situated right next to a window so I can actually get close enough to photograph it from inside the house. There's two babies and they are growing so fast I know they'll be leaving the nest any day now. If you click on the photo it will enlarge and you'll be able to see the bird/nest more clearly.

I love this time of year as it feels like a time of renewal.


  1. Beautiful fabric combo! I've never seen a hummingbird nest - thanks so much for including the photo!!

  2. Ooooo pretty fabrics!!

    We were lucky one year and was able to watch a hummingbird build her nest and raise her babies one year. A rare treat :0)


  3. Gorgeous fabrics! You are lucky to have a hummer nesting nearby. I've been trying for years and had no luck yet. I'm not giving up though.

  4. Terrific fabric selection!!!

    I've never seen a hummingbird nest.

  5. wonderful bird photo! we have tons of hummers around but they seem to nest up in a tree that's to far up to photograph. I hope you can catch a picture of the little ones for us...

  6. Hi Terri,

    Miss YOu!! I just seen your witch. I just finished mine. We must be kindred spirits. I think I have to do a Kaffe nine patch, yours is too beautiful! Trudy

  7. And the hummingbird nest photo, wow! A winner

  8. Gorgeous fabric -- there simply isn't enough time to make everything with all these beautiful new patterns!


  9. There you go trying to tempt us again. LOL Pretty fabrics! What a fantastic photo of the hummer in it's nest. I bet the baby birds are adorable. We had a hummer's nest in one of our trees, but the birds were gone by the time I saw it. Darn..


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