
Monday, May 09, 2011

Taking lots of fabric photos...

I'm in the process of loading into the shop about 35 new bolts of fabrics. Mostly Brandon Mably and Philip Jacobs and I'm telling ya....they are really gorgeous fabrics. When I get some extra time, I'm going to make up either some half-yard or fat-quarter packs by color families. Which would you prefer to see? Half-yard or fat-quarter packs?

In the meantime, DH had a birthday recently and took the day off. We drove north, as it was a beautiful day, and quite warm so it was nice to drive near the ocean. We went north as far as Buellton, where DH encouraged me, on his birthday, to visit The Creation Station. He likes it too as they have such great marketing ideas. Their store is so much fun to walk through. And of course I had to buy a couple of things. On DH's birthday!

We continued over through Solvang, to Los Olivos where we purchased some lavendar from the stand there in the lavendar fields. And, where we were very surprised to see this....

As we were turning around to head back towards home, we were passing through Santa Ynez and found a new-to-us restaurant and decided to stop. You know...birthday Margarita's and chips were sounding pretty good about then, plus it was Happy Hour so there was lots of activity and people to watch. Don Carlito's is a very nice place, with indoor and outdoor seating, great food, and a wonderful ambiance. All in all, it was a great day!

Take care,


  1. Hi
    I would like to see 1/2 yard bundles. Can't wait to see the new fabrics.

  2. What a fun getaway! Love the black and whites that you bought!


  3. Lovely fabrics....did I see a dress pattern there? Happy Belated Birthday to you hubby....what a nice guy :0)


  4. The two of you always take such good rides! Who would have thought you'd run into Miss Liberty?


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