
Friday, May 27, 2011

Have a wonderful Memorial Day/Weekend...

You may have noticed that there has not been much quilting or knitting content on my blog for awhile. That's because I'm not knitting and I'm barely creeping along on the Trip Around the World quilt. It's ready to sew the two sides of the top together, sew a backing and get it packed up to send out for quilting. I've just lost a bit of interest in it all right now but I know I'll get it back. I know we all go through these creative slumps from time to time and I hope you'll hang in there with me in the meantime.

I've been cooking a whole lot more though in an effort to eat a more healthy diet. Plus, I l-o-v-e to cook and I've got a husband who loves my cooking and all the experimenting I've been doing with new recipes. I think we were in a food rut.

I started out the long weekend making Strawberry Rhubarb jam which is one flavor of jam I haven't made before. The Rhubarb has been looking so good this year I just had to find a use for it other than pie.

And, then of course this was breakfast....

I posted all of these photos because I've been playing around with custom white balance in my camera since my kitchen is extremely dark and difficult to photograph anything in. The iso is high so they are a bit noisy/grainy, but I'm still pretty happy with them.

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend.


  1. Setting the custom white balance works wonders. I use it whenever I'm photographing quilts. If you can shoot in RAW format, you'll have even more options/control.

  2. Your pictures are wonderful - I would have had no idea your kitchen is dark. The bowl of berries is especially delicious looking!

  3. Yum, your jam sounds divine Terri!!! xo

  4. I haven't had a stick of rhubarb yet this year. I really need to plant some in my yard as the neighbor who gave me free range in her patch moved and the new neighbors aren't very friendly....darn. Your breakfast looks so yummy and not a berry to be found in my house!! I'm pretty pitiful aren't I LOL.

    I'm sure your mojo will return eventually. It sure took a long time for mine to get back. I hope you shoulder will let you knit again soon too :0)


  5. Yum Yum. If I lived in the neighborhood I'd be right over with scones...

  6. Every time you do a post like this one, I get hungry while I'm reading it -- and it's 9:30 in the evening! No fair, Terri -- you're too good a cook1



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