
Sunday, June 05, 2011


While I was outside this afternoon photographing these...

it started to rain. In June. In southern California.

Unbelievable! Oh, and I've been sick for well over a week now...and I'm sick of it! :)) Hopefully I'll be feeling well enough to get out of the house for a little while tomorrow. I mean in the car! :)


  1. Oh, gosh, I hope you feel better soon, Terri. And, yes, I remember the song lyrics that said "it never rains in California . . ." so here's hoping for the return of the sun soon.


  2. I think we had more than an inch in San Francisco yesterday! My poor tomato plants...

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Oh how horrible RAIN!!! ROFL You folks in California have it too good sometimes :0)

    I hope you get over what ails you very soon. At least you had a rainy day for an excuse to be indoors.


  4. I'm sick so cut me some slack! :)) I didn't mean rain as in "bad" unbelievable, I meant rain as in "wonderful" unbelievable!

  5. I was pretty stunned by that rain too! It came after I had purposefully soaked a weedy area and then prevented me from getting out to do the actual weeding. So if we have sun tomorrow, I'll just have fed the weeds, lol.


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