
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do you have any?

I'm looking for this fabric for a friend. We've tried everywhere but cannot locate it. It's probably two or more seasons old so the only recourse at this point is to ask for your help.

This fabric is called "Jungle Baby" by Marcella Rose for Henry Glass Co. #276-24. She needs at least 1 yard, but would love a little more if you have it. Please email me if you have any available that you are willing to part with. Thank you!

I was thrilled with the great comments left yesterday in regard to our very supportive husbands. I'm thrilled to hear that there are some really wonderful guys out there


  1. Have you tried

  2. Have you tried "Sewn" ? They now search for fabrics in USA stores as well as Australia. I needed a particular print and a week later had two stores in the US contact me saying they had it!

  3. I googled and found this
    Didn't look any further but there were more hits...

  4. I may have some of this but not sure how much. You can also try for searching.

  5. Woo Hoo looks like it's been found, bloggers are the best :0)



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