
Friday, July 23, 2010


I'll be at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach. We go every year on Friday - it's become a tradition now.

Long Beach is such a wonderful city - there's so much to see and do and the weather is divine. The Convention Center is right across the street from the water too, so it's very picturesque.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oooo how fun!!!! I know you are going to have a wonderful time :0)

    Hey Terri, have you heard when Free Spirit is releasing their new solid white fabric?


  2. There are always so many quilting activities near you. I'm envious! But happy for you!

  3. I wish I could join you! Looks like a great show in a wonderful location!

  4. Have fun at Quilt Festival Terrie! That shot of the marina with the sailboats caught my eye!

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun! I wish there was something like that in our area to go to.

  6. Have a great time, I went with my sister a few years ago and loved every minute of it. We stayed at the Queen Mary and they were filming Ghost Whisperer. Hopefully I'll get back there in a year or two.


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