
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Any suggestions?

I need help, please! You'll notice that in the first paragraph of my post the text is spaced at 1 1/2 lines. Which I like since it looks good and is easier to read.

This fabric photo is just to illustrate my problem, but they are pretty fabrics, aren't they? Anyway, after I insert a photo, the text formatting changes to 1 line and is more difficult to read. I've searched blogger help and can find nothing that helps. Just wondering if any of you know how to solve my problem?


  1. Sorry, I can't help, Terri - but, must leave a Comment on those beautiful Kaffe's!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Love those fabrics, not sure I can help either but why don't you put up the photo first save in draft. Then compose see what happens.

  3. I don't have any suggestions but I have a feeling that it's probably a Google Glitch and will heal in a day or two. It seems that as they fix one thing two more inconviences pop up, but usually only temporarily.


  4. this new editor is a mystery. I always put my pictures in first and then type. Now as I add the next picture it is at the top and not where there cursor was and I have to move it. sometimes my typing is at the left and sometimes centered. I haven't been able to figure out any settings that work. That is why I finally went to Large print because it is really easy to read.

  5. I don't know the answer to your question ~ wish I could help.

    I'm with Wanda - the new editor has a lot of issues (some old ones were resolved but new ones CERTAINLY appeared).

  6. Wish I could help you, but I'm not even able to post pictures lately. I don't know what happened. Maybe we all need to type in large print like Wanda so we can read it :-)

  7. It always takes me 6 hours to figure things out or figure out I'm not going to fix it.

    I always post my pictures first and then add the text. Not sure if that makes any kind of difference but would be an easy try.

    Wonderful fabric!

  8. I tried the new editor and then switched back. But even though I always insert the photos first then put the text in afterwards. Hope this helps.

  9. I do the same as Jackie, type first, then insert photo's, don't know if that will help or not though! Yep, gorgeous fabrics! xo

  10. I've been using the new editor for awhile now and I put the photos in first then type and haven't had a problem. One new glitch is that now photos keep going to the top and I have to click and drag it down everytime. Maybe they're changing things around on us.

  11. Just LOOK at those colours!! WOW! I'm doing the same as Jackie and Cathy, text first, photos later but I must admit I haven't heard of a new editor at all so maybe I am using the old stuff..

  12. Lovely fabrics Terri!

    I always put my photos in first, then do my typing...

  13. If I have lots of photos like in my recent "Fussy Cut Rescue" posting, it's a struggle. I usually write the text first. Then I added the photos. I make them small because it's easier to shuffle them around...and then I enlarge them....but still it's a struggle. In that posting, I ended up keeping the photos small or I never would have gotten it to work. As it was, I spent way too much time on it.

    I've had the spacing issue, too. One thing that sometimes works is put my cursor in front of the text lower down in the posting and then hit the BACKSPACE key until I get to the paragraph with the alternate spacing. Then, I add a return. This does not always fix it but sometimes it works.

    Another way is to copy the text and then paste it elsewhere in the posting. Sometimes, it pastes without all the formatting so that you can start fresh.

    I wish I knew more about the HTML coding. If you do, try the "Edit HTML" button. Occassionally, I try fiddling with it but it can create more problems.

    One other idea, copy all the text in your posting. Then open a new posting and paste everything. You will get the text without the photos, and you might get consistent formatting.


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