
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pinning and a little batting tip...

I'm in the pinning stages on my eagle quilt. I've probably got a lot more pins to go before I'm ready to quilt, but believe it or not, I've run out of pins. On Thursday, in our classroom environment, Jane, Linda, Susan and I are going to begin the quilting process. We were going to take Grace's finishing class, but decided we'll try it on our own first. Wish us luck, since this is raw-edge...nothing is fused...and you can see just how many little loose edges there are.

Did you know that you can sew your batting pieces together to create the size that you need? You just butt the straight edges (trim them to be straight if you have to) of your pieces up against each other, and zig-zag them together. You can see how nice and flat the seam lies. I wouldn't use too many small pieces in one quilt, but this time I've used one large and two smaller pieces and it will work just fine. I've done this many times and have never had a problem. If you're concerned, then just do it on a quilt or wall-hanging that will get very little use.

Have fun with whatever you're working on!


  1. I can't wait to see this finished, Terri -- it's going to be a knockout!


  2. wow! that is a load of work! Looks great so far!

  3. That is looking great. I don't see how you'd catch every piece. I can just imagine me doing one and holding up the finished project, and half of the pieces would fall off. LOL

  4. I do what you do with batting too but I also put on my stitch in the ditch foot to but the batting up to each side of the flange. I figure, I have the foot and I never use it otherwise! At least this way it gets some use.

  5. Thanks Jen! I appreciate learning new tips and makes life (and quilting) so much easier and fun.

  6. I've heard of doing this. What I heard was to lay one piece on top of the other cutting them at the same time in kind of a wavy line. I'm glad to hear that it really DOES work!

  7. Love this eagle (might have said that before!), can't wait to see more! I often stitch up my batting like that, it's too expensive to through out, I'm glad to see I have been doing it the right way, thanks for that! xo

  8. Wow I can imagine that you would run out of pins!! Not a project you would want to work on next to an open window :0)

    What brand of batting do you like?



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