
Sunday, October 07, 2012

My Sunday...

I watched the "Into the West" marathon all day and then the final episode this evening.

I sewed more strip sets,

 I cut said strip sets into more strip sets and thought about how I'm going to sew them together.

 In the meantime, I put them all into a pile. I'll take these with me Thursday evening when I go to my quilting group meeting and try to get them all sewn!!

I looked for some furniture painting ideas on Pinterest cuz I have some furniture pieces I think I want to paint.

I looked at some gorgeous photography on Tumblr to find inspiration.

And, I found this in the new Pottery Barn catalog. I decided I want to copy it make it as a quilted pillow cuz I'm not spending $60 to buy it. Isn't it cool?

 It was a good day.

Take care,


  1. Once again blogger is making a fool of me. THis may be a repeat. But your day sounds wonderful. Isn't it wonderful when the stars are all aligned. Congrats.

  2. I love all the fantastic colors and textures in the strip sets! I continually dream of painting some of my furniture but can't seem to work up the energy to do it.


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