
Monday, August 22, 2011

You know what this means don't you?

It means I'm sitting at my sewing machine working on completing this quilt top. It's about time, I must admit, but I've had to force myself to do it. :)

Although, once I got started I found myself having fun. My goal is to get the top and backing completed and sent off for quilting by the end of the week. If I get that done, I'll feel really good.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my "old" sewing machine. It's a Bernina 1090 and I would never for an instant considering getting rid of it (or even updating to a newer machine.) In fact, I'm looking for another one, so if you know of one for sale, please contact me.

Take care,


  1. I love my Bernina, although not as old as yours, I would never want to upgrade mine either. Love, love, love Bernina :-)

  2. Glad to see you're quilting again AND having fun! Yay!

  3. Hooray for finding some joy in the sewing room again!! I look forward to seeing the finished quilt :0)


  4. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Yeah! Nice to see you're back at the machine. And I love the colors!

  5. I love my 1080. It must be nearly 20 years old.

    Your post is important to everyone who thinks that bloggers have the latest, greatest machine. We really don't need a lot of stuff...just lots of fabric!


Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!