
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There's nothing better than...

a original Toll House chocolate chip cookie. They are the absolute best!!

Made a batch tonight and I just finished washing all the dishes. I'm happy to say I only ate 3 cookies (because I could sure eat a bunch more than that). Hubby had 5 and the rest go into the freezer. We thought we were so smart years ago putting the cookies in the freezer. We foolishly thought it would be a deterrent to eating too many. HA! They taste even better frozen. :)


  1. Yummmmm cookies!! That is a very rare treat around here as I would rather cook a 7 course meal than a batch of cookies LOL.


  2. Oh, my mouth is watering. As soon as I saw the picture... And so many things taste just as good, or better, frozen. Mars bars, Thin Mint cookies... The list goes on. Wow!

  3. Take a cookie out of the freezer and zap it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so (depends on the size of the cookie and the microwave, don't want to burn it) and it is like it just came out of the oven.

    I don't dare bake. I'd weigh 300 lbs if I did.

  4. You're right, they are the best choc chip cookies ever! And that's why I can only make cookies (of any kind!!!!) when I am taking them SOMEWHERE ELSE :)

  5. Oh, my mouth is watering. As soon as I saw the picture... And so many things taste just as good, or better, frozen. Mars bars, Thin Mint cookies... The list goes on. Wow!


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