
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

We finally got it!

Remember when I talked about doing some re-decorating and getting this mirror was one of my dreams. Well, that dream finally came true. We got it and even DH loves it! It's hanging on a large wall at the top of our stairs....just the perfect thing to see when you arrive at the landing and it also brightens up the space since it reflects windows which are directly across from it.

I'm so happy! I've been doing lots of redecorating and as time goes on, I'll post some of the photos of those improvements. Right now I'm just walking from room to room giggling because I'm so happy. There's still a lot to be done and more accessories and art to be purchased, but I've made a very good start.


  1. Wow Terri, what an awesome mirror. I hope you will show us how it looks at the top of the stairs. I always love to see the redecorating :-)

  2. Love your mirror and I too hope you will show us pictures.

  3. When a room is painted, it always looks so fresh, and the moving of some pieces from this room to that is wonderful...of course getting new stuff is fabulous!

  4. Beautiful mirror!

  5. It's gorgeous -- it looks like it belongs it your home!


  6. It's a good feeling freshening up the place, the mirror is lovely.

  7. Ooooo beautiful mirror!! When you are done at your place you are most welcome to do mine :0)



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