
Saturday, August 06, 2011

Halloween already?

I was at Michael's today and although I do think it's a bit early, they had some of their Halloween decorations out for sale. It kind of got me in the mood and I ended up purchasing a skeleton skull. I saw a great witch the other day at one of the other decorating stores in town and it was priced at $120. No way am I going to pay that kind of money for a Halloween decoration in this economic climate. But, I think I can make it for a whole lot less. My skull, which was only $5.99 was a great start.

Anyway, I thought I would search for some other good ideas and here are a few I found:
I love the ideas here and they are really quite simple to do.

If you're having a party, these table setting/decorations would be lots of fun.

These cookies look like they would fun to make. I love doing this kind of stuff but I always run out of time before I get to it. Maybe this year, since I'm starting pretty early, I'll get it all done. Any bets?

I love decorated mantles, and even though mine is a very shallow one, I could definitely do something like this. I love the black ivy!

Hope these few ideas help you get excited about Halloween early enough to get your decorating done! :))


  1. Love the Halloween ideas you featured. They're more elegant. I love the black flowers which is weird for me but I do!

  2. This year is simply flying by Terri. I don't usually decorate for Halloween, but great to see ideas for it. xo

  3. I don't decorate for any holiday...but I love seeing what others do. I really like the mantel photo :0)


  4. The merchandisers sure push us to spend, spend, spend, don't they? Love your photos--have given me some ideas for "natural" decorations.

  5. The retailers are attacking us earlier and earlier each year -- I just bought 2 pairs of white shoes yesterday! It's WAAAY too early to think about Halloween for me -- however, you've helped to put me in the spirit (pardon the pun).


  6. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Oh I love these ideas, especially the urns...I bet you look forward to hanging up the cool witch wall hanging you made too!


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