
Friday, April 15, 2011

Whew...what a day!

Really. What am I saying. It's more like "what a couple of months!" I'm super busy at the shop these days and haven't really had the time or the energy to even think about blogging much. I haven't attended my quilting group meetings or guild meetings for about a month and I'm missing the quiltng inspiration!

This was the order that kept me busy today. Second largest order since I started the business. The other one was here and was three times the size. I don't ever expect to get another order like that one. :)

It's 16 1/2" tall!! A whole lotta bolts it took to make this pile! :))

Hey, it's Friday....Have a happy weekend. It's really w-a-r-m here today.


  1. Wow, someone is going to be happy with all that yummyness!! We are still thinking of you Terri xo

  2. Oh My someone is getting a lot of beautiful fabric!! Well, you may not be getting much done for yourself but you are making her very happy LOL. Plus it's keeping you out of mischief :0)


  3. I wondered what had happened as I scrolled by and didn't see a post.
    I thought owning those shops was easy! I see it isn't.

  4. It's a good thing to be super busy right now. Someone is getting a nice pile of goodies!

  5. I'm so happy that your quilt shop is so successful, Terri -- you deserve it, with all your hard work and inspiration. Good for you!



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