
Monday, April 04, 2011

Still working....

I took some time over the weekend to sew.  I'm still working on my Trip Around the World, but I'm half-way there. I'm making a king-size quilt - don't ask me why because I said I would never make another one, especially a "Trip."

 At least I won't be quilting it myself, but still....look at all the sewing/piecing required for a king-sized quilt.

I know....I'm nuts!!  Happy Monday all!


  1. Oh you will be one very happy nut when that beauty is finished Terri! Gorgeous colors!

  2. I love the quilt but I don't think I could handle all the sewing! I would need a queen. I love your colors to!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Wow, that is awe-inspiring. The colors and pattern are just gorgeous. Good luck with all the whole project!

  5. Oh Wow Terri, this quilt is amazing already. I love the colours you are using. xo

  6. It's like having a baby - you forget how painful it is because the result is so worth it!

  7. Not Nuts.....just a little ambitious LOL. It is a beautiful quilt :0)


    PS - Did you ever get in any of the new Free Spirit solids? (I'm being lazy this morning and not checking the shop LOL)

  8. Anonymous6:24 AM

    It's gorgeous! And no, you're not nuts. Just realistic. I made a Bloomin Nine Patch many years ago and will NEVER do that again. I love the quilt but, like the TAW construction, there were a gazillion seams. Although the construction is not difficult, it's a challenge to keep the seams in the right direction so you avoid a "blob". Not for the faint of heart.

  9. It's gorgeous Teri. Even with strip piecing, it's a ton of work. If you weren't nuts when you started, you probably will be when you finish! hahaha

  10. It's gorgeous Terri! I agree with Crispy you're just a little ambitious.

  11.'re not nuts, I'd totally do the same thing! And so fun to see you're a quilter and a photographer, me too!

  12. Nuts in a beautiful way ~


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