
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Unusual weather and great news!

We're having very odd weather for So California, but I'm loving it! With the exception of the last couple of days in which temps were in the mid 80's, we've had an unseasonably cold fall! We never have leaves changing colors, at least not nearly as much as we've had this year. And, we never have piles of leaves needing to be raked! It's beautiful!!

These pics were taken on my drive and back this morning to my Dr.'s office. There is lots of variety on this route and it's always pleasant to drive it!

And now for the great news! Soul Blossom has arrived and I'm in the process of photographing each fabric and getting them listed in my shop! I hope to be finished by Friday/Saturday. It's a gorgeous line!


  1. We're having unseasonable cold weather too but we're colder than you are. We might be able to have a fire for Christmas!

    I'm envious of your fall color!

  2. The fall colors are beautiful. We are having a typical fall....looks like mid winter here LOL.

    Ooooo those fabrics are beautiful!!


  3. Yippy! Will be closely watching your shop for the Amy Butlers.

  4. What gorgeous photo's Terri! Your little nieces are going to be so pleased with the doll clothes. They are so adorable! Enjoy the warm weather, it's been in the 80's here too. It feels like spring.


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