
Friday, December 10, 2010

By the time you see this...

these will all be wrapped and on their way to my niece along with my nephew's gift and a few little extra goodies!

I took a whole load of photos but this one was the best and it's not great! But, I'm not gonna take any more! lol


  1. Someone is going to be THRILLED with this box!

  2. Oh, how cute! I remember the year my daughter got a bunch of clothes for her Chrissy doll and how thrilled she was. I'm sure your neice will be excited too.

  3. She is going to love them! It's a really adorable collection. I'm glad that your shoulder hasn't kept you from absolutely everything.

  4. Just too, too cute -- there's something about making miniatures of grown-up items that tickles the child in all of us, isn't there?


  5. They are wonderful Terri!! I think my favorite is the outfit with the leaf shirt :0)


  6. What a lucky girl! Tehy are jsut sweeit.

  7. So cute! I still have the dollies and doll clothes that the mother of a friend of my mom's made for me and my sister when we were small. We played dollies for many many hours.


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