
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do you love Panera Bread?

I'm spending my afternoon filling orders and drinking iced tea from Panera Bread. I'm sorry....I don't usually share these little mundane details about my day, but I have grown to love Panera Bread.

Are you familiar with Panera Bread? I first discovered it when I was at Spring Quilt Market in Minneapolis 5 or so years ago. What a treat - really good and fresh food! Now we have lots and lots of them out here in So Cal - for which I'm very glad!

Tonight is my LOTE meeting. I'm going to take my Kaffe "snowball" quilt - which is finished - and take photos of it to show to you. I've also got a couple pair of socks to photograph too! And, I've started a new, but very long-term quilting project. You would never suspect I might try my hand at this! But, I'll be working on it tonight! It's actually one of those quilts that I said I would NEVER make! LOL


  1. The tea looks refreshing. I've never had a Panera Bread nearby. But I hear they are yummy!

    Can't wait to see what you are working on now. :)

  2. Hey there you....we don't have them there Panera bread places out here in Texas....but what your drinking sure looks yummy

  3. We LOVE Panera Bread! They have THE best soups around.

  4. Glad to see you're back blogging. And--don't leave us in suspense wondering what your long term project is, please.

  5. My family loves Panera Bread! Their breakfast sammies are good too.

    Looking forward to seeing your new quilt!

  6. Sometimes I just want a basic sandwich, nothing fancy. Although, I have to say, the Sierra Turkey is a favorite to split with a friend. Yumm.

  7. Yes, I like Panera, though I don't go there often. And what major quilt have you committed to?

  8. You're teasing us, I wait with bated breath to see the snowball quilt and hear all about the new challenge. Will you need cheerleaders?

  9. I've always wanted to try Panera but we don't have them in Bismarck yet. I'll have to see if they have them in Seattle when I go out again.

    OK, now I'm really curious about this new project. Never say Never as the saying goes LOL.


  10. I'm in love with Panera. Try their chilled coffee/mocha drinks --they really are the best. And their cookies . . . and their croissants . . . guess I eat there a lot, don't I???

    Enjoy the meeting!



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