
Thursday, July 08, 2010

I'm actually embarrassed to admit it...

but I've started two new quilt projects. Can you believe it? I feel like I'll never get some of the quilts I've started done, but I know I will just take some time. But - really - this is ridiculous!! lol

Since this one is a Halloween gift, it will need to be completed by the middle of September so I have time to ship it to it's destination and they can enjoy it for the month of October.  I'm still in the process of finding fabrics, but have enough to get started.

This one will get attention when I have extra time or get bored with the Witch. Yes, it's another one of my own designs. One I've been wanting to do for a very long time and didn't know how to get started. This was my inspiration for taking Grace's class on Photo-inspired Art Quilt design. So, I'm excited to get started on it. I have most of the fabrics I'll need for it, so it's just a matter of finding time!

I'll keep you posted on my progress on these and all of the other quilts I've started.


  1. Wow, that's a neat witch. I want to practice doing more faces in fabric. I can't make out what the bottom quilt will be, but I'm sure it will be fabulous. Looks like a lot of small pieces of fabric. I can't wait to see how it evolves.

  2. I can't wait to see them!

  3. Both those projects are wow, I can't wait to see more, they look exciting. No wonder you have to make them.

  4. Maybe you'll figure out a way for all of us to find time!

    Those are both some seriously wonderful projects you're planning. I'd love to see the fabrics you've selected (shameless hinting)!

  5. If anyone can do two projects on time, it's you, Terri!

    That's the best looking witch I've seen in a long time -- she should be fun to create.


  6. WOW you don't pick the easy projects do you? LOL I will love watching you make these :0)


  7. Terri, I cant wait to see the one you designed. I can see it in my head already, but I am sure the real thing will be much more amazing.

  8. Oh boy, you've got the art quit bug. Can't wait to see the results!

  9. A grizzly witch and an echevarria! That's quite a combo to switch between :)

  10. You are so busy Terri and working on such awesome projects! What fun!

  11. It's neat to see your design in black and white... it'll be fun to watch the quilt come to life... lots of pictures please!


Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!