
Friday, July 02, 2010

Binding time...

Not only am I in the process of taking photos for and listing 35 new fabrics in the shop (Kaffe and Jill Gordon), but I received one of my quilts back from the quilter so now I get to do a binding. I love doing binding. It's a time to sit quietly and reflect while I'm in the midst of finishing another quilt. What a nice feeling.

I haven't shown this quilt before so when it's totally finished, I'll take a pic of the entire quilt so you can see it!

It's hard to believe that it's July already, but it is and that means we get to celebrate the 4th! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with family and fireworks!


  1. Happy 4th, Terri! Love the quilt, as always.

  2. That quilt you are binding looks like a beauty! Have a great weekend Terri!

  3. Can you believe the year is half way over? How did that happen?

    I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of the complete quilt. Your teaser picture intrigues me!

  4. That looks like a wonderful quilt.. can't wait to see the full reveal!

  5. I love doing the binding too, I wonder what this quilt looks like...surprises are good :0)


  6. It's looking lovely! I don't mind binding, I find it relaxing. Happy 4th July.

  7. Oh I completely agree with you about the binding! So many quilters seem to hate doing binding - but I'm like you and find it a very soothing process - and also once it's done, the quilt is done, which is always a lovely feeling!

  8. Will look forward to the finished shot of this quilt.

    July sure snuck up on us, didn't it!

  9. Very pretty, can't wait to see it finished! I don't mind binding either, but I procrastinate at the cutting stage. I have a couple backed up that need to be bound.


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