
Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm still feeling euphoric...

after taking a "Photo Inspired Art Quilt" class with Grace Errea on Saturday. If you remember, it is Grace who taught us how to make the Eagle (Eagles here, here, here and here) quilt. This class was even more fun, but in a different way. We were using our own photographs to design a pattern from which to make an art quilt. I feel like a whole new world just opened up to me and I've got a million ideas running through my head. I'm just showing a snippet of my design but as I work on it, I'll continue to share.

Cherry-picking got delayed for a week, due to cold weather, so Saturday we'll finally be going!! But look at the cornstalks - they are growing so fast! This is such a wonderful time of year.


  1. That looks amazing Terri, I'd love to hear more about this!

  2. Again, I'm so jealous! I, too, am just beginning to experiment with more adventuresome projects, at least for me. But it sure is fun. Will be curious to see your progress--please share. Sally

  3. I'm already wishing for cooler weather. It's well into the 90s here.

    I'm looking forward to your new adventure!

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The art quilt you are working on is going to be beautiful, I saw the picture you are using for reference. Happy Blogoversary too!

  5. The design looks complicated but exciting too. It's great you're having so much fun with this technique.

  6. Oooo this is going to be and interesting project....much more intricate than the eagle was!!


  7. This should be fun, Terri -- can't wait to see the colors you'll choose for this design.



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