
Friday, June 04, 2010

I'm in love...

I absolutely LOVE this new fabric that just arrived from Alexander Henry. It's called Kebede. Isn't it gorgeous?

I envision a tote bag out of this and if I have time to make one, I'll be sure and show it to you! Don't hold your breath though, because who knows when it will happen. LOL

Today begins the first day of the Central Coast Quilt Shop Tour. Are you going?


  1. Oooo that is really pretty fabric!! A bag made from it will make all the ladies envious!!

    I sure wish I was going on the Shop Tour!! I didn't even stop at the LQS's when I was in town yesterday because the clouds were turning very dark....bummer!


  2. So, so gorgoeus - oh, this just has to stop - we are spending more time drooling over fabrics than using them!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  3. Wow.. psychedelic! This sort of thing either bums completely or it's outstandingly fab! Looking forward to seeing the bag!!

  4. Oh I like it and it would make a gorgeous bag.. We'll give you a little time before we demand photo's. LOL
    Have fun on the shop tour.

  5. Great fabric! I'll show it to my neighbour Corrine on her own laptop. I don't want her to drool all over mine..!

  6. I think this would make a great one-block wonder quilt too! Can you tell me the repeat on this gorgeous fabric? Thanks! Love your blog... so colorful and full of Kaffe :)

  7. Gorgeous Terri, a bag would look fabulous in this! xo

  8. Perfect for a bag but then a lot of those Alexander Henry's are.

  9. So many beautiful fabrics. Too few hours to use them.
    This one is stunning.

  10. Wow! I simply must have some of this. What is it that makes this fabric so mesmerizing? An amazing design -- I'm headed to your web site . . .



Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!