
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Look at these!

I made these pillowcases a couple of weeks ago before things got so hectic and then forgot to show them to you! I love, love, love them and they look great in our master bedroom! Isn't this terrific fabric?

To all the people who have left lovely comments for me the last couple of weeks, and to whom I have not responded, I apologize. I do appreciate getting your comments, but find that there is little time in my day for responding, let alone reading your blogs. I'm even considering the idea of turning off the comment capability but really don't want to do that. How do you handle comments? Would you still leave a comment even if you knew I wouldn't be responding to it? I'm curious.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I will still comment Terri, but then I'm a jabber box LOL. Don't worry about responding to comments, there are only so many hours in a day :o)

    I LOVE those pillow cases!!


  2. I agree with worries.

  3. Of course I would continue to read your blog and comment as needed. Like you, I only have 24 hours in my day! So, while I love to read comments left on my blog, I often do not respond.

  4. PS - love your new pillow covers. Glad you finally remembered to show them!!

  5. I would absolutely leave a comment, even if you didn't have time to respond. I find myself in the same situation -- we can only do so much in a day. I don't always respond to the lovely comments that people leave on my blog, and I hope they understand.

    We connect, sooner or later, and we all know that our support team is out there. So take away some of the stress -- I, for one, know you're there.


  6. Just found a website with Kaffe Fasset needlepoint canvases. Holy cow!! Is there anything he doesn't design and beautifully?

  7. Love the pillowcases, If I'd known how easy they are to make, I would have started years ago. You're a busy working woman so we bloggers know and understand.

  8. I enjoy leaving comments!

    I'm going to learn to make pillowcases soon. My LQS has a free class coming up. Yours are fantastic!

  9. comments are the way you communicate with your blog. I am always happy when people take the trouble to do so and share their opinions with me. I myself try to get back to every comment. sometimes, life takes over and there are only so many hours in a day to do things in so then I don't. Either way should be fine. If I comment on another blog, it is because I want to tell the blog owner what I thought. It is nice when you get an answer, equally if you don;t I am not going to be cut up about it either. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. Do what you can, communicate when you want, and withdraw when you need to. Regulars especially will fully understand as we are all in the same boat.

    In short.. no worries!

  10. I surf and follow a great many blogs. I comment frequently on some and sporadically on others. I never expect a response unless I ask a question. I leave my comments for the blogger, to share my reaction or thoughts.

    Take care - there's too much to do to respond to everything that comes across your screen!

  11. Of course I'd still leave comments! I comment to let people know they've inspired me, to give them congrats or to let them know they are appreciated. I will still read your blog and enjoy your shop!! No worries.

  12. Love your animal print pillowcases. Without comments you'll get lonely.. Leave it on, we aren't worried you won't reply. Sometimes we all need to get things done and take a break.


Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!