
Thursday, April 29, 2010

They're done...

It seems like it took forever and I didn't enjoy knitting them, since I kept making d-u-m-b mistakes and had to rip out, but they are done! 

Sedona, Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn, Childs Play colorway.

Guess what? I love them!


  1. I love them, too!!!! Great job!

  2. Such pretty colors! Very nice, Terri. You know, I could so easily become a knitter. I can do the basic 2 stitches in straight lines only. I have made several long scarves, consequently I have several long scarves! I fear if I learn any more, then I will become as addicted to buying yarn, needles and patterns as I do with all my quilting stuff! I follow a couple of knitting blogs and I sure do appreciate the craftsmanship!

  3. Woo hoo!! Persistence pays off Terri!

  4. Oooo pretty and you will love them even more for sticking with the project :0)


  5. They're so pretty. I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy knitting them. I think you need to push Jayne (in the comment above) over the edge so she becomes a knitter too! :)

  6. They look warm AND beautiful -- love the colors!


  7. gorgeous! i'm impressed that you finished them. I can only knit scarves.


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