
Friday, May 07, 2010

Look at it now...

I worked on it in class today. Here's where I was on Wednesday. My goal today was to get the beak and eyes done so I can concentrate on the feathers in class on Saturday. I'm telling you...this is really fun and a real sense of accomplishment. I've never done anything like this before but I think I'm hooked.

Here's a pic of Jane's second Eagle. She went home after class last time and finished her first one. When I say finished, I mean to the stage where it's ready for the feathers. Anyway, she wanted to get wild and crazy this time and I think she succeeded, don't you agree? I can't wait to see this one finished!

It reminds me more of an ostrich or a bug, than an eagle, but I love it! Jane creates with abandon. Her fabrics are in piles around her and when she's done with one, it gets tossed onto the floor so she won't use it again. She's working on me to be more like her. She laughs at my nice, neat piles. My fabrics get folded back up the minute I'm done with them. Packing up is easier for me, but probably not as much fun! lol

And, last but certainly not's our wonderful instructor Trudy! She's sitting amongst Jane's fabrics.

Is it no wonder we have fun in class?


  1. Oh my goodnes I want to do that too. I have Marilyn Bedford's book on portarit quilts and one day I want to do one and this looks similar in process. Just love what you are doing.

  2. That looks like a blast Terri! You are doing a great job!

  3. Wow, that's really coming along quite nicely. What is the teacher's full name? Does she have her technique published? It looks like it might be a raw-edge fused applique???

  4. Love your progress so far. Looks like so much fun! Wish I were there...Are these pieces going to be fused?

  5. Ooooh... that is looking beautiful? Is it rawedged fused applique?

  6. I simply love your version -- he needs a name to accompany his fabulous character. Let's give him one!


  7. Wow your eagle is looking wonderful!! Jane's is ummmm unique LOL, but is beautiful too. I can hardly wait to see feathers on both of these :0)


  8. Those eyes are great, looks like your having so much fun.

  9. You're eagle looks wonderful. I love the highlight on the beak. Jane's bird is hysterical, it looks like a cross between an ostrich and dodo!
    I love Trudy, she is so much fun. Tell her I said hi.

  10. Wow Terri, I love your eagle, so beautiful. I work a bit like Jane I think, my kitchen bench and dining room table are currently covered in messy piles of fabric. We have to eat off the coffee table til my cutting out is done! Love your pics xo

  11. It's looking fantastic. I'm really enjoying seeing it grow bit by bit.

  12. It's really coming along! And looking gorgeous! Can't wait to see how it comes along.


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