
Monday, March 08, 2010

A weekend finish...

I'm so pleased with the way this quilt turned out. If you've been following the story, then you'll know that I was at a loss as to how to use these blocks in a quilt. What I didn't tell you then, was that I had considered giving them away because I actually didn't like them any longer.

Well, I asked for help and got some good ideas. Not caring for these blocks a great deal gave me the freedom to experiment in a way that I would never have considered otherwise. When I got the top sewn together I couldn't decide if it was finished or not. It seemed way too plain and I wanted to embellish it a bit. I let it "stew" and still couldn't come up with anything to do, so I just went ahead with the quilting.

And, now I LOVE it!


  1. The orange REALLY works!

  2. The blocks look fairly traditional, but the orange and green colors are gorgeous and really give it some energy.

  3. that came out really well! Love the colors!

  4. An amazing transformation - plenty to love about it!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  5. goodness terri what an inspiration! I have THREE years of block of the month blocks...36 blocks just sitting in a box. dont care for them...this has really encouraged me to dust them off!!

  6. Wow! I love it too! Isn't it funny that when we let ourselves "go" the results are usually surprisingly successful. When we're afraid then I think we actually hinder ourselves and our creativity. We should be able to say "what the h---" and take a leap of faith. Sally

  7. That looks great! I really like the colors you used to set the blocks. It looks very modern now!

  8. You used my favorite colors to finish it, Terri -- it looks like sherbet! What fun!


  9. It is beautiful!! You made the blocks a secondary part of the quilt because the all over design is what you see first.

  10. This is really amazing Terri! I clicked on your link to see the original post and the blocks. I thought they were nice, but they didn't really do it for me..

    But just LOOK at them NOW!!!! It is absolutely gorgeous!!! Those two colours really really set off the blocks and make the whole quilt look wonderful and showcases each block to the max.

    This is SO inspirational! it proves that having your colour sense is a great gift. I LOVE this now!!

  11. Oh WOW Terri, what a great quilt!!! It's so bright and cheerful and an inspiration to us all to dig out those orphan blocks and do something with them :0)


    PS - THANK YOU (e-mail to follow)

  12. Wonderful transformation. Alone the blocks are OK but not exciting. This is an unexpected color combination and it really works! Congratulations!

  13. all I say is Wow! What a transformation. Reminds me of some blocks I won in an exchange that have been set aside as "ho hum" Makes me want to pull them out and see what I can do with them. Great work!

  14. Beautiful! I love that orange. Love the setting, too.

  15. How exciting that blocks you didn't even like are now a quilt you love Terri!! I can see why you love it too! It's gorgeous!

  16. Great story and a happy ending, I love the orange pulling it all together. I guess we should all learn something from this.


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