
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Something different...

I finished a bag I've been working on for the last couple of days... in between all the cleaning and organizing I've been doing. I can actually see and use my dining room table again. It feels kinda strange.

When Dog Under My Desk had her sale last week, I ordered the Make Me Up Before You GoGo and Get Carded patterns. I have been wanting to try these two patterns for awhile and it seemed the perfect time to go ahead and do it.

I tackled the Make Me Up bag first since it seemed a bit more challenging. And, it definitely proved to be so. The bag itself is quite easy and the instructions are wonderfully written, but it's the binding that I found difficult. It's not difficult to sew on, but I've always had a hard time stitching it down by machine and having it look good/acceptable. I finally gave up on that for the side bindings and sewed them by hand.  After three failed attempts, I was able to sew the top/zipper binding by machine, but I can't say that I'm happy with it. This is not a problem with the pattern... this is a problem with me! :)

It's a nice roomy little bag and I think it's perfect for sewing or embroidery supplies. It's got two pockets on one side of the interior and a zipper pocket on the other. It measures 6" tall by 10" wide by 3" deep. I'm happy I made it!

Take care,


  1. Lucky you to snag a sale and actually get something made instead of letting the pattern sit there for ages...

  2. Lovely bag and lovely fabric. So pleased they have brought this range back.

  3. What a beautiful bag! That fabric is so neat, it looks three dimensional. Nice work!

  4. This is really cute. I'll have to try it!


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