
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Planning ahead...

I'm going to be very busy for the next couple of weeks because my sis is coming to visit the last week of September. I'm using her visit as impetus to get a lot of things done around the house that I've been wanting to do, but haven't made the time/had the motivation. These things won't matter to her in the least, but it will make me feel good to get them done.

My dining room is a total mess and has become a "dumping spot" since we don't use it for just the two of us. I've also got two 6 foot tables set up in there so I can baste my quilts on them.

I've got three quilt tops (this is the first) that are ready for quilting so my plan is to get them basted in the next couple of days so I can put the tables back into the garage and get that dining room cleaned and set up to be used! :)

Take care,


  1. I know how you feel. I just signed a contract to replace the windows in my house. I'll have to clean my sewing room so that they can even get to the windows! Love your cheerful quilt.

  2. isn't it amazing the things we live with on a daily basis and only when company comes do we realize we should have put stuff away immediately and we wouldn't have all this work to do. BTW, great quilt.

  3. What a beautiful quilt - looks like high summer on your table there. Enjoy your visit with your sister.

  4. Ha, company is always a good impetus for cleaning. It will be lovely to visit with your sister. I have one and we don't see each other much since she just began a business.
    I love that quilt! I was so inspired by it that I started one last yearbook up only did 5 or 6 blocks. The blocks were fun but I got discouraged when I thought about matching all those squares. I should finish it up for a baby quilt.


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