
Friday, October 04, 2013

Fractured QAL... week 5

I worked on the Fractured quilt top Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and a bit this afternoon to get it to where it is now. I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days, so yesterday I got in to see my doctor and was told I've got vertigo. For some reason - for which I'm grateful - I'm able to sit and sew without too many problems. I think part of it is that it takes my mind off the situation. But after doing the exercises this morning that are supposed to help "fix" the problem, I was so dizzy and so nauseated, I couldn't even sew. It took a couple hours for my body to get back to near normal and then I was able to do a bit of sewing.

I have the bottom 6 rows of the quilt top sewn together. I did that so I could see what size the quilt is actually going to be when completed. I need to look for a backing and might have that opportunity tomorrow so wanted to know how much fabric to purchase. I'm liking the size... somewhere around a large lap, I think.

In addition to assembling my quilt top in rows, rather than blocks, I also cut my strips a bit narrower than the instructions required. I wanted the same number of "fractures" but didn't want a large quilt top and it seems to have worked fine.

I'm happy with how it's looking and will probably go ahead and finish making the small block parts and put them into place at the top of the quilt before I sew any more rows together.

I visited Vicki's blog earlier this morning and loved what everyone else is doing. Wanda is already starting on her 2nd quilt! If you are interested in seeing everyone's progress go here!

If you are thinking about making this quilt, please do. It takes a bit of concentration to get started and figure out how to assemble the blocks, but it's not that hard. It's a fun quilt and an interesting quilt!

Take care,


  1. Love how yours is coming along. And I hope you'll feel better tomorrow. Is there a remedy for your vertigo?

  2. You saved yourself a lot of "C" and "D" confusion! I love your fabric choices. I'm just about ready to start sewing on my second set.

  3. It's so pretty! Hope the vertigo gets better. I get it from time to time too.

  4. I really like your fractured quilt. The colors are striking and lovely. I hope too that you get over that vertigo. That can be miserable.

  5. The value changes are really working great!

  6. I do love your yummy colours Terri - hope you're feeling a little better now!

  7. Hi Terri--I jumped over from Mystic Quilter to say that I love the fresh look of your FQ--it is really pretty.
    Hugs, Julierose

  8. Wow, it's truly beautiful!

  9. So sorry about the vertigo, Terri -- let's hope the exercises and some time will help improve the situation. I just love the quilt -- it's so happy and geometric -- just what a retired math teacher gravitates to!


  10. Love your fractured top so far! Hope your vertigo is better...that is such an awful feeling.


Thanks so much for your comment. I really love hearing from you and appreciate that you visit my blog. If you do not receive a response from me, please do not feel ignored. As an online quilt shop owner, I am sometimes very short on time!