Thursday, July 26, 2012

Long Beach Quilt Festival...

Even though I may not need many more (or possibly, any more) of these blocks, I'm enjoying the process so much I'm going to keep making them. These two are just the latest ones to be finished.

Not sure I'm liking either one of them very much, but I think they will make the blocks I do like stand out and that's a good thing. I tend to use too many "pretty fabrics" and not enough interesting ones. I'm working on that, both with these blocks and with my NY Beauty blocks, and I've found that it is not easy for me.

I won't be going to the Long Beach Quilt Festival this year, but I encourage you to go if you are in the area. It's in a wonderful location...Long Beach is a beautiful city and the convention center is located right next to the water. There are some great restaurants nearby and it's just plain fun to walk down to the water, if you get a chance. The aquarium is just across the street too and I enjoyed it very much when I visited a couple of years ago.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! How many are you planning to make?

HollyM said...

I like the blocks and your right, they will make it more interesting I'm sure. Lots of nice texture there!

Judy said...

Terri, those blocks are fabulous! I love them.
Wish I could be in sunny So Cal and enjoy the Long Beach Quilt Festival!


floribunda said...

Terri, I was just about to send you a note about Long Beach when I read your post -- sorry you won't be there! I'm driving down with a friend tomorrow morning... But well meet up one of these days!