
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Linen piles are good

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I lost 30+ lbs last year. These two shirts were representative of the clothing I had been wearing before the weight loss and I just haven't been able to force myself to wear them since.

So it was a real pleasure to see these shirts go from this...

to this!!!

Yes, it's another pile - but - it's a pile of linen to add to the other pile of linen in my sewing room! That's a good thing.

Take care,


  1. Wow Terri! 30 pounds! Thant's a lot! How did you do it??


  2. Wow! What was your secret? You could share a before and after photo. Hint, hint...

  3. Wow! well done on the weightloss and also on the cutting out! I have lots of shirts to debone here and they never seem to get done...

  4. That's a great effort Terri - wish I had the same kind of resolve. How DID you do it? Great idea to cut up the shirts, then there's no incentive to even think that you would wear them again!

  5. Yay! Congratulations on the weight loss.

  6. im just as curious as everyone else to know HOW!?!


  7. Wow, congratulations! I've managed 8 and I know hard it is! I often look for linen bloused at the thrift store which i cut up and use. Good idea!

  8. Yay for you! It must have felt awesome to to take the old clothes and give them new life.


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