
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just a couple movie recommendations!

There was quite a long period of time when there were no movies that interested me enough to go the theater to see them. But in the last month, we've seen 3 that are wonderful.

The Help was heartwarming and funny....very funny. Surprising for such a sensitive subject matter. I give it ***** (yes, that's five stars!)

Moneyball was another really good movie. Not only because of Brad Pitt, although he's one of my favorite actors and I think he was great in this movie. But, if you like baseball you'll find this movie very interesting and entertaining. It really made me want to research the Oakland A's a bit more. I give it ****1/2

And, last of all but certainly not least, we just saw Ides of March. Well, what is there to say about George Clooney and Ryan Gosling. Both are exceptional actors and great to look at too! Quite the drama here...although I must say if you haven't already got a bad taste in your mouth regarding politicians, you probably will have when you leave the theater. I give it **** 1/2

It's been a lot of fun going to the movies again and we saw some previews that look pretty good too. Especially J Edgar, a Clint Eastwood film.

1 comment:

  1. I am sew with you on all your recommendations but by far the HELP is my take for the last 3 years..I think it was that this movie that it also steered me to add my fav saying to a quilt...


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