
Friday, July 22, 2011

Just Another Day at the Beach...

For those of you suffering the terrible heat wave that has gripped so much of the midwest and east, let me just say that I'm sorry you are having to endure the high temps. I find that as I grow older I can tolerate the heat much less. I grew up in Las Vegas where it got up into the 110+ degrees every summer and I loved it, but not now! Anyway, I hope it ends soon and you get some relief.

Meanwhile here we're having cooler temps, morning fog that is so thick it's soupy and mild breezes, especially at the beach.


  1. let's hear it for fog! I watch it floating into the bay nearly every evening in summer and cheer a little...

  2. I'm so happy that our heat wave has finally broken. It's lovely to have the windows open again :0)


  3. ici pas de chaleur,la petite pluie fine et pénétrante ,pas question d'aller à la plage 18°(64 f)du vent froid la température de l'eau est à peine de 16° (60) Brrr.... pas envie de se mettre en maillot de bain alors il ne reste que le thé et les petits macarons.


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