
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I promised...

that I would show you my strip piecing so here it is.

I'm making a king-size Trip Around the World using 24 fabrics. Whew!

I happened to mention at my LOE group that I was going to make one, and several of the gals decided they wanted to try it. They didn't feel confident enough in their abilities to choose fabrics on their own so they brought them to our meetings and we put them together as a group. They really do have the ability, but needed to see it done before they believed it of themselves. It's been fun watching them and I'm sure I'll be sharing photos of their quilts soon.

I've got three strip-sets done of the six that I need, but I have to admit that I got a little excited and started assembling the quilt (just one corner of it) - just to see how it looks.

It's such a fun quilt! Until it's done, you really don't know just how it will look. Anyway, I'll be sharing as I go along.


  1. You have a beautiful assortment there!

  2. Looks like a beautiful start! I need to make a king size quilt for my bed one day, but I'm afraid I'll never settle on a pattern and fabrics that I'm willing to spend that much time on... sigh.

  3. I'm really looking forward to seeing this finished! Fabric choices are hard for me too. And the more fabrics I need, the harder it gets. I like the idea of your group doing it together. I'll be it was fun!

  4. I love trip around the world and yours is going to be awesome with such luscious fabrics.

  5. I will so enjoy watching the process of your quilt, thanks for sharing.

  6. Great choices of colors...I would love to
    make a trip around the world quilt.
    Just can't seem to find instructions
    for it.

  7. They look stunning. Great combination of colours. An orange and purple colour scheme quilt is on my to do list too.

  8. Oooo this is going to be beautiful! Look at those lovely fabrics, makes me want to run my hands over them :0)


    PS - My magic loop needles are here and you were right, I'm hooked on them completely!!

  9. Terri, your quilt is going to be gorgeous! I am really looking forward to seeing your progress.


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