
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper

This is absolutely the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! I LOVE it!

I laughed so hard I ended up crying! You know how that works, right? Hope you enjoy it.


  1. That is just the best!! What a fantastic laugh!

  2. OMGosh, I was laughing my head off with this little guy. Nothin' better than starting the day with a belly laugh LOL.

    Babies.....the best thing ever!!


  3. What a happy baby! My husband heard the baby laughing and had to come in to watch too. Good one.

  4. What a crack up, little things amuse little babies. I notice she tried to figure out how to do it herself.

  5. I love that clip. We have a 7 month grandson and he can start laughing by doing something silly like that too. My DH found a ring tone for his cell phone that is a baby laughing. You can't help but smile when you hear a real honest laugh like that.

  6. How gorgeous. Wouldn't you love to know what was going through his mind! Very infectious laugh. xo

  7. That was SO delightful - I havnt had such a great l in laugh in ages.


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