
Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday drives...

We had a lovely weekend! It was glorious weather so we took one of our "Sunday" drives. We love to just get in the car and go. Usually we have no idea where we're going, just what direction we're going in. It's an adventure. I grew up doing this and I'm so glad. It's such a nice tradition to carry on.

Look at all the gorgeous scenery we saw!

It's a lovely way to spend an afternoon!


  1. Great scenery, it must be nice to actually see ground and not snow LOL.


  2. I love to do that too, but lately we have been sticking close to home. Of course we're getting snow every time we turn around but also, we've been closely watching out budget and gas is an expensive item of late. I've been feeling the need to get out of town though.

  3. How beautiful, I love the arched stone gate. That's what I need to do on a Sunday. My weekends seem to go so fast and I can't get anything accomplished any how. I must need to slow down and enjoy the scenery.

  4. You live in a beautiful area. Thanks for sharing with your beautiful photos! May I ask what kind of camera you use?

  5. The scenery is lovely, it could be countryside in NZ.

  6. Wow, it's gorgeous countryside, so much greener than here in the desert. I miss the greenery from home, but I sure like the warm winters here.


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