
Friday, January 28, 2011

Interested in a Juki TL98e?

Went to LOTE last night and got caught up with what everyone is doing. There were some beautiful quilts, but the lighting in our room is so poor I couldn't get good photos. The lighting is so bad we have to bring our  own ott-lights from home in order to sew - but we don't care because the room itself is wonderful in every other aspect!

One of the gals in my group happened to mention that she is selling her Juki TL98e sewing machine. I have this same machine (we bought them at the same time) and it is wonderful!! Super fast and great for piecing and maching quilting as it has a larger harp - the open area above the bed of the machine.  Even though it's not as large as the harp on a true long-arm machine, it gives you a full 8 inches of quilting space across the bed. And the arm is almost 6 inches tall, for lots of clearance. That is about 25% wider than regular home sewing machines and around 20% more vertical clearance. It's very well-built and sturdy and I use mine for classes as it's light enough to carry easily.

I told her I would mention it here. She's asking $395 (+ shipping) and says it's in excellent shape (I'm sure it is - she takes very good care of her equipment). Anyway, if you're interested, please email me and I'll put you in touch with her.

eta: The Juki is sold. I've had so many requests that I thought I should let you all know.


  1. Boy I wish......:0(


  2. I have a TL-98e too and it's a dream machine! I hope she is able to sell it because that's a bargain price!

  3. Whoever the lucky gal who bought this machine got a 'steal'. I have two Juki TL-98E's. One on a frame and one set down in a table. I wouldn't part with either of them!


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