
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm in slow motion...

I just can't seem to get sewing/quilting this year. Of course part of that is because I've been sick with a nasty cold for two weeks now. And, even though I haven't been in my sewing room for sewing purposes, I've been doing lots of cleaning, organizing and purging. The rest of the house too! I've still got lots left to do, but it feels really good to have made such a good start. But unfortunately, I'm still not in the mood to sew! lol

I've adopted a brand new attitude regarding my UFOs too! I might be giving some of them away - probably to my local guild where they will be finished and donated to those in need. That said, I decided that my first UFO to be donated would also be the quilt where I attempted hand-quilting for the first (and only) time. It was probably more than half way to being done, but I just didn't like my stitches. They resembled running stitches rather than quilting stitches. I know it's not in the stars for me to do hand-quilting so I realized that this quilt would never be finished, even though I did contemplate finishing the rest of it with machine quilting. Couldn't force myself to do that either - too weird a concept (hand quilting on part and machine quilting on the rest! So, I sat for about 5-6 hours the other night with my trusty seam ripper and pulled all those quilting stitches out. Yippee! I felt so relieved when it was done. Like I've been set free - which in a way I have!

We took a late afternoon drive on Sunday as it was the first time I've been out of the house is quite awhile. What a treat...the light was lovely and the hills are soooo green from all the rain we've had.

After we came out of the grocery store, this was what we saw. Pretty spectacular sunset, even from the parking lot!

Anyway, it was lovely to get out and appreciate our beautiful surroundings!


  1. Slow mode isn't a bad thing at time Terri. It gives you time to enjoy what really matters and so you can get all the organizing done. :) Love the pics of the hills and the sunset. Gorgeous! We've been having some pretty spectacular sunsets here this past week. I hope you are feeling better now.

  2. Your landscape photos are always so beautiful!

    I hope you're feeling well. Congrats to you for having the courage to pass along those projects you no longer love.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon. One time I took all the stitches our of a machine quilted quilt. It was one of the first ones the quilter did and it was with poly batting that was working its way out and lots of the stitches were breaking. It was too good to throw away....and I still liked the quilt. So in the end it was worth it.

  4. Get well soon~~ I certainly understand having periods of time where productivity wanes a bit. You'll ger 'er back. I'm confident of that. :-)

  5. Sorry to hear you have not been well Terri, I hope you are on top of that now? We do go through stages of losing our quilting momentum don't we? I hope you can find yours again sometime soon, but I like your plans to clean up and offload in the meantime! xo

  6. I'm so sorry to hear you have been sick!! I hope you are feeling MUCH better!! I hear ya about loosing the sewing mojo, mine has gone too but I'm still creating, just not in fabric :0) Nothing better than getting organized!!


  7. Love your pictures. I hope you get your mojo back...and I did that very thing, I gave alot of UFO's away, to nieces, on giveaways....and it felt sooooo good. Good luck!

  8. It does just feel so liberating to pass on something you know will be used. I wouldn't force it with eh sewing either--it is supposed to be enjoyed. Once you feel good and the house is cleaned out, something will inspire you.

  9. I hope you feel better soon Terri! I bet you felt so liberated to tear those stitches out. Good for you! Your photo's are gorgeous. We've had some lovely sunsets here lately too. I need to get out and take photo's.


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