
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year to you all...

It's a new year already and I can hardly believe it. It seems as though 2010 just began. I hope your holidays were wonderful as mine were. I certainly enjoyed the time off and I think I needed it...I was running on empty. We even had time to see King's Speech, which is a wonderful movie!

Anyway, I want to let you know that I've placed a huge order for Kaffe and Philip Jacobs fabrics. Some re-orders (cuz I love all of his older fabrics) and some new. They should be trickling in any day now. I did receive 11 bolts to start off with...two of which are new fabrics I haven't carried before. Lotus Leaf in Ochre and Paperweight in Pastel.

I still get excited every time a shipment arrives! I L.O.V.E these fabrics!


  1. some of my favorites :)

  2. I'm still keeping my eyes closed!!! Come spring I hope to be buying again :0)


  3. I would get excited also! I love the polka dotty fabric. Too cute!


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