
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Storm at Sea...

Evelyn Judson came with her Aunt to our guild meeting on Tuesday. Her aunt is the founder of our guild, the Camarillo Quilter's Assocation, and has been president twice since it's inception. She's also a member of my small group, Ladies of the Evening (LOTE), a name that embarrasses her! lol She is 85 and still going strong and who knew that she had such a famous niece!

She brought her quilt Storm at Sea, which won 3rd place at International Quilt Festival Houston 2008, to share with the guild. It's an original design, king-sized, took her 10 years to make/complete and is hand-quilted. I tell's quite stunning up close and personal.

I wish I had been able to get better (and closer photos) but it was not held up for long so I just pointed and shot! The woman in the green jacket is Evelyn's aunt - doesn't she look proud and happy?

Some of the pieces in this quilt are the size of a thumb. Unbelievable!

We have some pretty talented ladies in our guild too so I'll just take a moment to share with you just one of the quilts that were shown that I really liked.

I told you it was a good day, but I haven't even talked about our guest speaker yet! Stay tuned...


  1. That quilt is spectacular!

  2. How fun to belong to such a talented group...beautiful quilts.


  3. Don't you just love it when you meet a member of a previous generation who's still quilting and going strong?! It gives me inspiration. What a beautiful quilt this woman made -- how wonderful for you to have seen it in person.


  4. Spectacular quilt from the photo--I can only imagine how much more exciting it was to see it up close. Amazing.


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