
Monday, November 08, 2010

Remember when...

everyone was making a Chenille quilt? I made a couple - one for my niece and this one! I was rummaging around in my closet the other day and found it so I decided that I will donate it to my quilt guild at tomorrow's meeting. They give away 400+ quilts to charity every six months so this will just be one of many.

It's never been used. I guess I stuck it away and then forgot about it. Perfect for giving to a good, new home.


  1. I love the backing!

  2. I never made one, but yours is very pretty.

  3. This technique is so cool! Someone's going to really love it!


  4. What a beautiful quilt....a generous donation too.

  5. yours is very pretty -- love those big flowers! I made one for a sick friend about 8 years ago; what a tedious process all those lines were...

  6. Very beautiful and a wonderful idea to donate it :0) I never made one since it requires using a sewing machine ICK LOL.


  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    OMG! 800+ quilts a year from your guild. How big is the guild? I belonged to a guild that wasn't very generous and it didn't make me happy. I now lead a group at church of about 10 gals that donate about 55 a year. Always hoping for more help. Your quilt was lovely too. ;-)


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