
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

I can hardly wait!

Amy Butler presented her new line Soul Blossom at Houston Quilt Market this past week and although I didn't attend, I got a preview via a secret link to her website. It's now gone public so you can visit and see it for yourself if you want to. She has some very clever and fun ideas

I've included some photos of the line broken down into colorways. This first one is Passion.

This is Bliss.

And this is Joy. I know the pics are pretty small, but I wanted to give you an idea how gorgeous these fabrics are. You can see them much better at Amy's website.

I ordered the entire line months and months ago and it should be here in December!! Only one more month to go!!


  1. They are pretty! I shouldn't look too long because I would be tempted to order some and totally blow the budget. :)

  2. Oh Gosh they are so gorgeous! Can't wait till they get here!

  3. Dresses, umbrellas, chair covers -- what interesting ways to showcase her new fabrics.
    I'm always amazed at what comes from the creative minds of designers. Gorgeous lines!

  4. They look really nice... if I had not still a full half yd set of LOVE in the cupboard.... They bring these lines out quicker than I can sew the quilts :-)


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