
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Grandmother's afghan...

This beautiful crocheted afghan was made by my paternal grandmother who was also a very prolific quilter. She used to talk about hosting "quilting bees" at her house, where they put up a frame and each month quilted group members quilts. She made many, many quilts in her lifetime, but I don't remember seeing many afghans that she made, and I'm not sure if she knit or not.

This afghan is really quite lovely, considering that she made it. She probably had the worst color sense in the world and so many of her quilts were interesting rather than pretty. I like this afghan though and if you ignore the pompoms, it's really quite contemporary given that it was probably made in the 50's.

I had it out taking photos of it for posterity and thought you might enjoy seeing it!


  1. I'm not a big fan of crocheted items, but this is quite lovely. And--I love the colors! Thank you for sharing.

  2. It's a lovely afghan...pom poms and all :0)


  3. WOW that is pretty. Especially since it was made then. I am not a pink fan but this I love.

  4. Pretty, and it was crocheted. I kind of like the pom poms. They sort of fit.

  5. what a treasure, I LOVe this afghan.
    yes the pompoms work!

  6. My grandmother always crotched, never quilted and I have so many memories of her sitting there crocheting. It is wonderful that you have such a beautiful afghan from her to keep her memories close at hand.

  7. Pretty afghan and one like I have never seen.

  8. I so agree with everyone else. Very pretty! My girls love it. What a treasure to have it from your grandmother. Lucky you. :)

    Love your "ice cream" quilt also. Gorgeous colors you put in it.

  9. My grandmother crocheted doilies with those very tiny hooks. Your grandmothers afghan is wonderful. I like the design and as you said, it's very contemporary. A quilt modeled after it would also be gorgeous!

  10. so pretty... what a treasure to have

  11. Thanks for sharing the afghan--wonderful condition it is in! Had to laugh at your description of her color sense...too funny!


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