
Friday, May 21, 2010

We had a great time yesterday...

in our weekly Thursday class. Look at the lovely quilts that were being worked on. This is Linda's finished "Completely Dotty" quilt. Isn't it just luscious and lemony?

Here's the quilt that Marlene is working on. She's copying a "Kaffe" quilt that she saw in one of his books, but she's using gorgeous Asian fabrics instead. It's quite stunning in real life!

This is Janice's finished quilt from a recent class with Shelley Swanland that the Camarillo Quilter's Association sponsored. Janice's quilt is wonderful...great fabric choices and beautiful quilting!

And, finally - this is what I was working on yesterday. I didn't get it finished but I got a really good start at the sashing. You will either like this sashing or you will dislike it...I don't think there's any in-between on this one. At least that was the consensus of our class yesterday. In the morning before the sashing was added the vote was for NO sashing.

In the afternoon after I decided I liked the sashing and was going to go for it...the consensus changed. Then, everyone loved it! LOL

This is also a "Kaffe" quilt from his Country Garden Quilts book, but it just didn't seem lively enough, for me, without the sashing.


  1. Love all those dots in your quilt. Adds a lot of movement!

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sashing--yes. Good choice.

  3. wow, what a log of amazingly talented people you sew with! love the sashing you added!

  4. I love the sashing! I would never have thought to use orange polka dot, but it is perfect. Glad you shared! My Kaffe time is coming soon! I'm just dying to get one started!!! :-)

  5. Ooh Terri, I love it with the sashing, it brings out the orange in the gorgeous florals! Stunning xo

  6. I'm in the love the sashing group. It adds a lot to the quilt, a spark. Thanks for sharing the other lovely quilts.

  7. Oh yeah, that sashing is PERFECT!! I liked it without too but this really shines :0)


  8. Loving your Kaffe blocks!! I love the sashing too:)

  9. Looks wonderful!

  10. Oh, definitely -- the sashing is a "yes" for me! Of course, you can never have too much color, in my opinion. I love the fabric you chose for your corner pieces -- perfect complement.


  11. Love the sashing!! Thanks for sharing the lovely quilts.

  12. LOVE the sashing. It definitely makes it pop.

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Another YES on the sashing. Without it, the snowballs seem to be melt together just a bit. With it, they are vibrant!
    Beverly near Yosemite CA USA

  14. I like the sashing too! Orange is an amazing color and seems to play well with lots of others, doesn't it?

  15. You are righty, it needed the setting to "set it off" & separate the fbrics. definitely a winner!

  16. I adore the sashing! It pushes it from "ok" to "exciting"!

  17. You and your "peeps" are truly a very talented bunch of ladies. I always love seeing the projects everyone shares. Very different from each other but all beautiful!


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