
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Eagle class instructor...

Ok, now I'm sure you want to know all about the instructor for our Eagle class, Grace Errea.

Her website is Amazing Quilts by Grace and it's a site you should definitely visit. Every once in a while you come across someone who teaches the way you learn. Know what I mean? I got it when she said it and that doesn't always happen for me. I'm a visual learner so I usually have to see it before it makes sense. Of course, we had gorgeous visuals in this class...her beautiful quilts were there in all their glory. And, they are quite stunning close up! Anyway, she just clicked with me and as complicated as this eagle looks, it was easy once she explained what to do. Remember, in our one class, she was teaching four different quilt designs. You have to be pretty good at teaching to do that!

If you are thinking about quilt artists to suggest to your guild, I highly recommend Grace. She's a lovely person...easy to get to know, great to work with and lots of fun! I don't believe she's published, but I could be wrong.

Now to answer a couple of questions you posed regarding the Eagle quilt. Yes, it's raw-edges, and no, it's not fused. It's pinned to a special base netting as you go along. I believe the reason for this is that it roughs up and frays just a tiny bit as it's being worked on and quilted and thus, looks more realistic than if it was stuck down with fusible. It's more work obviously, but so worth it in this case. I'm sure Grace has other reasons for this and she probably told us, but can I remember?

I bought the pattern for the Swan quilt and I'm hoping to attempt it sometime soon. I fell in love with this method and surprised myself. Isn't that great?

Hope you've enjoyed my journey. I'll try to post the quilts as I'm able to see each of them in their finished state.

Take care,


  1. Here I go, again! Wow!!!!!! I just got back from her website. There is a Big Horn Sheep quilt that would be stunning above my fireplace. Her "for sale" section is still under construction. No wonder you love her designs!

  2. Thanks for the info Terri! Grace does amazing work.

  3. Just come back from Grace's website too... Oooooh... I SO want to do a workshop!! Don't live in CA though... drat... So thanks for sharing your experiences. next best thing!

  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I'm enjoying your journey, her work IS amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  5. That does look like a fabulous class!

  6. I love it when you get to do a great class like that, learn new things and fall in love with it. I love the swan and thanks for sharing a little of the technique, it's interesting.

  7. What breathtaking art work -- you must feel like you're in paradise. It's wonderful to connect with a teacher like that.


  8. This is just too cool for school Terri! I wish I could attend. I want that swan for on my mantel! We see swans and eagles all the time on/by the lake and they are two of my favorite birds (after the loon)! You must be having so much fun! Thanks again for sharing.

  9. That swan is so cool and your eagle is coming along nicely too. I'm so envious.. :)

  10. The swan quilt is beautiful!! It says a lot about a teacher if she can really click with her students :0)



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